Tate FM Profile

Tate FM Ltd was formed with the vision of delivering a quality consultancy service that offer's impartial advice on all property related building & maintenance issues whilst taking into account the individual needs and requirements of local schools and service users.


Tate FM has gone from strength to strength over the past 12 months we have achieved amazing results which will see job security for the next three years.


We all have a part to play within our future and it is out hard work that gets us the sales we need.

We have expanded our business into the north of england and can now offer our services further a field.

We are looking to introduce new measures to support our clients and create databases that will ease the burden on their busy schedules.



Our Clients

This year we have lost a few of our clients due to the financial crisis but have also gained some from it.

We are currently working for some of the best people in the industry

Lovell Respond, Kier Building Maintenance, Yorkshire Housing, Interserve FM, Leeds City Council, Bradford Council, Harworth Parish Council, Bassetlaw Council, Sheffield Methodist Church, Evans Halshaw Motorgroup.

These are just a few of our top clients and we are constantly striving to build relationships with other leaders within the sector.

Think outside the box "Think Tate FM"


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