Project Design & Management
We have a dedicated team that aim to support you in all your building related needs.

We offer a one stop service for all your premises requirements.

Our team have a great deal of experience of working in an Educational & NHS environment and are fully aware that each project needs an individual approach

Tate FM are here to help, whether it's just a meeting to address maintenance issue's or to carry out feasability studies for larger more complex projects.

Service Level Agreements (SLA's)
We currently provide service level agreements to schools around theYorkshire area.

We like to think of it as a partnering agreement where we liase with the school's on a regular basis just to give reassurance that we are hand.

Our commitment to you
1. A Personal Service. Under the SLA we will visit you as often as you need.

2. Day to Day Maintenance. You phone us and we contact the appropriate tradesperson on your behalf.

3. Long Term. We are very happy to sit down and discuss your asset management plan and any building reports then assist with drawing up you a business development plan.

4. Legislation. Under your SLA we will come to your premises and walk round assisting you with your Health & Safety plan. fire risk assesments and your disabled access audits. A fresh pair of eyes can be quite useful.

5. Money. Working within the school environment we are made aware of funding sources, we can help accessing these with form filling and budgeting etc.

6. Projects. These vary in size and we have the experience in dealing with all project sizes. we can take the job from inception to completion ensuring all current legislation is adhered to and following the local County Council's financial regulations.

7. Requirements. As you are aware there are a number of items that have to be addressed on an annual basis, Gas checks, PAT testing and legionella risk assessments to name a few, we can help with guidance and costings.

8. Knowledge. We have worked in schools, Hospitals & Social Housing for over 20 years and have a good understanding of the conditions, needs and priorities, by using Tate FM it will give you continuity.

9. Help. We aim to be the number one service provider that you ring for all your building related issue's and problems, whatever you require we will do our best to help.

10. Cost. To our knowledge Tate FM is the Best Value SLA provider in the Yorkshire region.

"Choose wisely Choose Tate FM"

Please feel free to contact us for more information





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